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Adding Therapeutic Massage to Your Self-Care Program

Within today’s modern world, a valuable theme that’s become more and more popular among all kinds of individuals is self-care. Whether for aesthetic areas, physical ones or even mental and emotional elements, many people have daily, weekly and other routines for staying comfortable, relaxed and pain-free.

At Body Balance Massage and Float, we’re here to tell you about one excellent addition many are choosing to make to their self-care program: Various types of therapeutic massage therapy, from deep tissue massage to sports massage and numerous other techniques available from massage professionals today. Today’s blog will focus on what therapeutic massage is, how it compares to other kinds of massage, and the benefits it brings as part of a standard care routine.

Defining Therapeutic Massage

Therapeutic massage is actually a broad term, one that encompasses several distinct types of massage (more on these in our next section). It may refer to a variety of potential techniques, including various levels of pressure, goals and eventual benefits.

It’s important to note the difference between therapeutic massage providers and lower-level massage parlors you might see while driving around. The former, facilities like ours, include highly-trained and medically certified therapists who can provide specific techniques and therapies to benefit your health and well-being. The latter are generally one-size-fits all massage parlors, many of which even utilize items like mechanical massage chairs instead of trained human hands.

Types Available

There are numerous types of massage that may fall under the umbrella of therapeutic massage depending on your needs. Some of these that we offer include:

  • Deep tissue massage: Meant to relieve muscular tension and pain, deep tissue massages are slightly more intense – but bring fantastic relaxation benefits.
  • Swedish massage: Based on lighter pressure, Swedish massage relaxes and stimulates nerve endings, increasing blood circulation.
  • Cranial sacral therapy: Also a lighter touch format that aligns the body and helps with natural healing capabilities.
  • Sports massage: For those who are regularly active or have suffered a recent injury.
  • Trigger point therapy: Great for pain and stiffness, this format directs itself to specific pain areas and helps relieve them.

General Benefits

There are numerous benefits to various forms of therapeutic massage, starting with relaxation and soothing. Those with significant levels of stress, anxiety, depression or other related concerns often find major relief.

In addition, therapeutic massage also helps with pain management and even preventing future pain. It also assists with blood circulation, plus helps limit chronic conditions like joint pain or migraines. Finally, it’s shown success with decreasing chronic lung disease and assisting with digestive concerns.

For more on adding therapeutic massage therapy to your self-care program, or to learn about any of our massage therapy or float therapy services, speak to the staff at Body Balance Massage and Float today.

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