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Individuals Who Can Benefit from Bamboo Massage Therapy

Over recent years and decades, the medical community as a whole has made major strides in recognizing various forms of therapeutic massage therapy for their numerous health benefits. Higher and higher percentages of hospitals and other medical centers offer complementary and alternative medicine as part of their services, including massage therapy in several different forms.

At Body Balance Massage and Float, we’re proud to offer the highest quality in professional therapeutic massage, with services ranging from deep tissue massage to Swedish massage and many others. One technique we offer that may not be as widely-known as these, but that still falls under the umbrella of therapeutic massage, is known as bamboo massage therapy. Today’s blog will go over how this technique works, how it’s similar to others in the therapeutic realm, and the kinds of individuals it benefits.

How Bamboo Massage Therapy Works

Also known as warm bamboo massage, Hot Bamboo or Bamboo-fusion, bamboo massage therapy involves the use of various rolls of heated bamboo material. These smooth rolls can come in a few different sizes, and which are used will depend on the specific needs of the patient. In many cases, lotion or oil will be used to make the bamboo rolling as comfortable as possible.

During the massage itself, these heated bamboo rolls take the place of the hands and fingers of the massage therapist. They allow the therapist to knead deeper into the skin in firmer and higher-pressure ways, often those they would not be able to accomplish with just their hands. In many ways, bamboo massage therapy is similar to hot stone therapy you may have heard of – only bamboo holds its heat longer than stones do, plus is easier to clean and sanitize.

Fusing Techniques

Stone therapy isn’t the only technique that bamboo massage therapy is somewhat similar to. In fact, it’s really a fusion of other kinds of therapeutic massage, including both deep tissue massage and Swedish massage. However, it uses firmer and more extensive techniques to get at knots in the muscles and other forms of tension in the body, often helping relieve stubborn aches and pains that would not go away otherwise.

Those Who Benefit From Bamboo Massage Therapy

There are a wide variety of individuals who might benefit from bamboo massage therapy, including the following:

  • Those with mobility or pain issues looking for relief
  • Individuals whose bodies struggle to absorb minerals like calcium, potassium or magnesium for skin health
  • Those who require antioxidants and anti-irritant solutions for psoriasis or eczema
  • Anyone with sleep quality or mind clarity issues
  • Those with lymphatic drainage concerns
  • Individuals suffering from depression or anxiety potentially related to the body’s release of endorphins, which can be stimulated by bamboo massage therapy

For more on warm bamboo massage therapy, or to learn about any of our massage therapy services, speak to the staff at Body Balance Massage and Float today.

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