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Determining Massage Technique Based on Needs, Part 2

In part one of this two-part blog series, we went over some basics on how to choose the best massage therapy format to meet your needs. There are several specific massage therapy techniques out there, each with different benefits and purposes depending on the needs of the patient.

At Body Balance Massage and Float, we’re proud to offer a wide variety of massage therapy techniques, including everything from Swedish massage to sports massage, deep tissue massage and several other distinct formats. We’ve been using this series to look at some of the common needs of those who are generally interested in massage therapy, then digging into what the best techniques are for these individuals – in today’s part two of our series, we’ll look into a couple other distinct areas of need for massage patients, plus the types of massage to consider if you’re in one of these groups.

Pain Relief and Healing

Another of the top reasons we see patients in our massage therapy clinic is for pain relief or healing of specific muscular or joint injuries. Areas like neck stiffness, lower back pain and numerous similar themes are common in our profession.

Luckily, there are multiple massage therapy techniques designed specifically to address pain and help with recovery. These include:

  • Deep tissue massage: A technique wherein a massage therapist will use their knuckles, elbows, hands and even forearms to get a deep massage into layers of skin tissue. You’ll be able to feel the pressure all the way to your core, but it won’t hurt (your therapist will regularly communicate with you about pressure levels to ensure this). Deep tissue massage is ideal for treating chronic back pain, plus helps lower blood pressure, reduce stress hormone and improve relaxation.
  • Trigger point therapy: In some cases, pain you’re experiencing may be due to a single tight spot in a muscle – sometimes far away from the actual pain location. Trigger point therapy involves the therapist locating this point and addressing the underlying issue causing it, using several potential techniques.


Finally, while you may not have realized it, massage therapy is also ideal for expecting mothers during their pregnancy. Prenatal massage is a format that’s similar to standard massage therapy in some ways, but also involves the client laying on her side with maximum support and comfort themes in place. The therapist will make the environment as relaxing as possible, then will work with the expecting mother on her goals and needs – utilizing several potential techniques here, most notably Swedish massage in many cases.

For more on the various massage therapy techniques available to you and which to choose, or to learn about any of our massage or float therapy services, speak to the staff at Body Balance Massage and Float today.

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